Saturday, December 6, 2008

Funny Story

Those of you who know me really well are going to get a kick out of this.

Today I was talking to someone about cats. I told him I don't really like cats. After he gasped like I had just told him I didn't like Brazil (or something equally horrific like that), I recanted and tried to say that I like cats when they are kittens, but not once they grow up. I didn't know the Portuguse word for kitten, so I got creative. I know that 'gato' means cat and that Brazilians add 'inho' to the end of a word to indicate something small. So I put two and two together and said that I like 'gatinhos.' I thought, and still think, that's the right word, though I could be wrong (but agrees with me). However, I forgot that this word can also be used to talk about a hot guy. So, this person interpreted my sentences as being "I like hot guys." Which, by the way, had absolutely nothing to do with our conversation. I probably turned a few shades of red (thank goodness it was dark!) and quickly explained what I had actually meant.

He'll probably never let me forget that. Though, for the record, I do like kittens, and hot guys aren't all that bad either. ;)

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