Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Finally in Brazil

Well, about 30 hours after we left Little Rock, we arrived in Natal. We are all safe and sound. Our flights went really well. The Brazilian airlines are wonderful, better than ours in my opinion. The missionaries and church members we have met so far are great. They are so nice and helpful. And our rooms are great too. I´m sharing a room with Anna and Cyndi and the guys are sharing a room. We have hammocks in our rooms.

Marisa, one of the missionaries, said that we have 70 readers so far and others keep calling. That is about 14 readers each right now. We are so excited to meet them tomorrow! Right now we are going to eat, then going to pack and shower and hit the sack. It has been quite the journey getting here.

The Lord has provided for us. He has set all of this up, and I am amazed! I can already see Him working. Thanks for your prayers! I love you all! God bless!

Adues from Natal

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I am so glad you made it safely! Sounds like you have your work cut out for you! You'll be in my prayers.