Thursday, September 18, 2008

What attracts you?

No, I don't want to know about your preference for blue eyes and a good heart. I actually want to know what attracts you to God? Why do you love Him? I've been pondering this since a conversation I had with a reader yesterday. For me, it began when I experienced God's love through His people as I was growing up. Today, while His love is still the foundation of my faith, it's also His consistency. He is the same today as He was 1000 years ago and as He will be in 1000 years. I never open the Bible and discover that He's not who I thought He was or that He's not who He portrayed Himself to be. He IS and He never changes (James 1:17). And His presence is constant as well. He never leaves me (Heb 13:5). The second I start to think He has, He shows me otherwise. Yes, God is the one constant in my life. And in an ever-changing, ever-decieving world, this is very Good News! And you, what attracts you to God?

Now, I'm sure you're wondering about that thought-provoking conversation. We were reading from Luke 12:23-31 about seeking God's kingdom. We started talking about what that means and why we should do it. Somehow, the question "What attracts you to God?" came up. His response was "Here (the church). You. These classes." Wow. How humbling is that? This person has been reading for a few months with several different Americans. He has visited the church many times, coming almost every week now. He also has studied the Bible in Portuguese with one of the missionaries. All because he saw something in the people he met at the church and through Let's Start Talking that attracted him to God. It seems that the love we, God's people, show to others greatly influences God's kingdom (as evidenced by pretty much the entire New Testament). This just drives home the point that we are God's representatives, His ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:20). We can attract people or we can drive them away. What affect does your life have on people?

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